





發布日期:2023-12-30 瀏覽量:1085


















① 在測量完感性負載時不能直接拆掉測試線,以免由于電感放電危及測試人員和設備的安全。本變壓器直流電阻快速測試儀的輸出端設有放電電路。關閉輸出時,電感會通過儀器泄放能量。一定要在放電指示完畢后才能拆掉測試線。

② 對于無載調壓變壓器,不允許測量過程中切換分接開關。

③ 測量過程中如果電源突然斷電,本變壓器直流電阻快速測試儀會自動開始放電,請不要立刻拆卸接線,至少等待30秒鐘后才可拆卸接線。

④ 測量時,其他未測試的繞組請勿短路接地,否則會導致變壓器充磁過程變慢,數據穩定時間延長。

⑤ 開機前請檢查電源電壓:交流220V±10% 50Hz

⑥ 試驗時請確認被測設備已斷電,并與其它帶電設備斷開。

⑦ 試驗時機殼必須可靠接地。

⑧ 試驗時不允許不相干的物品堆放在設備面板上和周圍。

⑨ 更換保險管和配件時,請使用與本儀器相同的型號。

⑩ 本變壓器直流電阻快速測試儀注意防潮、防油污。

Product introduction

Transformer DC Resistance Tester also named Low Resistance Ohmmeter, It is a necessary testing project for transformer transition, overhauling and changing tap switch, it is also an important detecting project after fault. Transformer DC Resistance Tester is a quick test equipment for testing transformers, generators, motors, lines and other DC resistance.

Transformer DC Resistance Tester is integrated high-precision power supply and DC resistance test in a whole as a new instrument, which not only maintain the original advantage but also greatly reduces the size and weight of the instrument and expands the measurement range. The instrument adopts the high-performance single-chip microcomputer control, simple operation, easy to carry, fast testing speed, high precision, good retest, strong anti-interference capability, automatically complete the judgment of steady flow, data acquisition and processing and display resistance, can accuray complete the measurement of transformer dc resistance, This instrument is the best testing equipment for power plant, power supply enterprises, medium and large-sized power transformer manufacturing industries and enterprises.

According to different level of current,Nanao Electric Wuhan Co., LTD has developed six types of Transformer DC Resistance Tester, they areNAZT-5A,NAZT-10A,NAZT-20A,NAZT-40A,NAZT-50A,NAZT -100A, etc.

Also called name

DC Resistance Rapid Tester, Transformer DC Resistance Tester, Transformer DC Resistance Rapid Tester, Transformer Winding DC Resistance Tester, Inductive Load DC Resistance Rapid Tester, Inductive Load DC Resistance Tester, Sensual loaded DC resistance tester.

The Characteristics of the products

1. Large output current, wide measuring range, small size, light weight, simple operation;

2. Fast test speed, high measurement accuracy, good retest capacity, strong anti-interference capability;

3. With perfect function of protection circuit and discharge alarm, reduce the wrong operation, good reliability;

4. Adopting high speed micro-controller to automatically complete the judgment of steady flow, data acquisition and processing and display resistance;

5. Using 192 * 64 large-screen LCD display, outdoor display is clearly visible;

6. Built-in high-capacity a non-volatile memory, can store 500 sets of measurement data;

7. Built-in high-precision real-time clock function, date and time can be calibrated.

8. With high speed micro thermal printer: can print measurement and historical data.


Attention should take for your safety, please read the following:

After measured the inductive loaded, the testing line can not be removed directly, avoid the inductor discharge that may endanger the testers and equipment safety. The output of DC resistance quick tester set a discharge circuit. Once turn off the output, the inductor will discharge energy through the instrument. Be sure to remove the testing line after the discharge instructions is finished.

For no-load tap changer, is not allowed to switch the tap during the measuring process.

If power is off suddenly during the measuring process., the DC resistance quick tester will automatically start to discharge, do not remove wiring immediay, need to wait for least 30 seconds ,

In the process of measuring, other untested windings should not grounded short circuit, otherwise it will cause the transformer magnetizing process slowed down, the data stabilized longer.

Please checking the power supply voltage before starting: AC 220V±10% 50Hz.

Make sure the device is power off before testing, and disconnected with other energized equipment.

The casing must be grounded firmly.

⑧Not allow irrelevant items stacked on and around the device panel.

When replace the fuse and accessories, please use this instrument with the same model.

The DC resistance tester quick test pay attention to the moisture and grease.

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